Title: Post 147 District 14 Historian
Company: The American Legion
Location: Fresno, California, United States
- California Association of Neurologically Handicapped Children (CANHC)
- California Association of Resource and Special Educators
- Fresno Pacific College
- Illinois State University
- Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, NC (tutor, deaf education, 1974-1976)
- Pekin High School
- Projects for Veterans (volunteer)
- Rodeo (volunteer)
- The American Legion
- Toys for Tots, United States Marine Corps (volunteer)
- United States Army (Direct Mission as First Lieutenant, 1971) (Second Lieutenant)
- United States Women’s Army Corp Company (executive officer, training officer, 1971-1972)
- Honoree, Distinguished Worldwide Humanitarian Award (2022, 2021)
- Inductee, Who’s Who of Professional Women, Marquis Who’s Who (2021)
- Honoree, Legionnaire of the Year, Cecil Cox Post #147, The American Legion (2017)
- Winner, Historian Book Contest, Clovis Post 147, Department of California, The American Legion (2016)
- Winner, State Binder Competition (2016)
- Recipient, Award for Special Education Service, California Association of Neurologically Handicapped Children (1985)
- Certificate of Merit, Outstanding Teacher of Special Education Students, Fresno County, CA (1982)
- Co-author, “Handbook for the Instruction of Remedial Reading Students (1980)
- National Honor Society, Pekin High School
- Winner, District Historian Competition