Sylvester “Coach” Edwards

Title: President, Executive Committee Chair
Company: Greater Terre Haute NAACP
Location: Terre Haute, Indiana, United States

Civic Affiliations/Involvement:

  • League of Women Voters (board member)
  • NAACP, Greater Terre Haute Branch (president)
  • Rides Community Optimist Club
  • Western Indiana Community Action


  • Honoree, Distinguished Worldwide Humanitarian Award (2024)
  • Recipient, Outstanding Young Man of America (1981)
  • Recipient, Breckenridge Award, Indiana State Conference of NHEP

Contact Sylvester “Coach” Edwards

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Douglas A. Johnson

Title: Lecturer in Public Policy Company: Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

Amanda Elizabeth Held, MA

Title: Founder Company: H.O.O.V.E.S. Sanctuary and Healing Center Location: Swanton, Ohio, United States

Zoia Michelle DiMillo

Title: Director of Foundation and Government Relations Company: Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Pennsylvania Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
