Who We Are

Since 1899, Marquis Who’s Who has remained the standard for reliable and comprehensive biographical data. Each year, we strive to continue the tradition established by our founder, Albert Nelson Marquis, over 125 years ago with the first publication of Who’s Who in America.

The family of Marquis Who’s Who publications present unmatched coverage of the lives of today’s leaders and achievers from both the United States and around the world and from every significant field of endeavor. Librarians, students, researchers, corporate executives, journalists, personnel recruiters, and many others rely on Marquis Who’s Who every day for in-depth biographical information they can use with confidence.

As the needs of our listees have evolved, we have strived to develop new and more convenient ways of providing access to biographical data while maintaining quality. While we continue the time-honored tradition of producing our family of print publications, we are glad to host an assortment of online properties to share our listees’ host of accomplishments and commemorate their bodies of work. The Marquis Who’s Who Humanitarian registry is a web-based platform that provides public access to the biographies of Marquis listees who have exhibited selflessness and dedication to causes greater than themselves. The individuals who have been honored with this prestigious award are described as philanthropists, or those who advocate for human welfare or social reform.

From health care to international outreach, Marquis Who’s Who Humanitarians are individuals who strive to make positive impacts on their communities and the world. We commend them for their ambition, awareness, achievements and selfless acts.

Have you achieved successes in your profession that the world should see? Would you like to join a reputable network of seasoned, like-minded professionals?